New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Family...

I couldn't be happier with our family, once I was feeling well and Carlisle felt we were ready, after I refused the testing, at least within the first week. I wanted time to bond with my children without measuring tape and blood work, just one week, was that so much to ask? Although the hands on testing was yet to begin, much to everyone's dismay, I could see their eyes, watching, calculating with complete precision... all I could do was pray as we retreated to our little red house with the babies... Obviously, due to the fact that I had faced challenges of my own with growing and maturing that was in the back of our minds, we wondered what course their lives would take, and silently agreed we hoped it would be as normal and steady as possible, whatever that meant in this family...
As we got settled in at home, we tried to learn as much as we could about these new babies and their personalities, obviously we adored them both, had Jake and I not had such an amazing relationship, beyond the realm of normal relationships, I would have doubted there could ever be a love to rival that of my children, and I still question it, everyday I fall more and more in love with each of them... I feel like I can't even sleep because I don't want to miss a single moment of their lives, everyone assures me that will pass...
Right now I'm sitting in the rocking chair by the fire holding Mason, as Jake sleeps on the couch with Elizabeth sleeping across his chest, I laugh at the sight of both of their mouths open in pure contentment, simultaneously drooling, it doesn't get any cuter... I guess he could feel that I was watching him because he started to stir, lifting his head with one eye open in my direction...
"Is everything alright? Was I snoring?" he asked.
"Everything's fine, and of course you were snoring, the funny part is so was Elizabeth, and drooling might I add.."
He laughed, leaning down to kiss her on the head, "Like father, like daughter" he said smiling..
I smiled to happy with this simple moment of pure joy, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before I wouldn't be able to put off the testing, and it was for the best, we had to make sure everything was okay, everyone was healthy, even though in the back of my mind I wanted to take my husband and my baby and retreat to a dark cave somewhere never to return, living a blissful little life together.... but I guess we might as well get it over with, Jake was watching me and without words, he knew the resolution I had reached he slowly sat up,lifting Elizabeth against his shoulder as she let out a soft little yawn, asking if I was ready with his eyes, I walked towards him with Mason wrapped in his blanket as he kissed me on my forehead, "Ready as I'll ever be..."

As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No One Expected Pt 2...

We'd watched and welcomed as a flood of visitors passed through to meet the unthinkable, two children.. two babies born out of the love between a werewolf and a vampire-hybrid... We watched as each member of our families, our friends everyone important in our lives each held the babies quickly falling in love.. We felt truly blessed by the union that our love had created, our lives felt complete...
We expected it, knowing how each of our families felt about us, knowing that they  couldn't doubt our love for one another, couldn't doubt our excitement for the impending birth, couldn't doubt our adoration for our children.. We loved them more than we could love ourselves, more than is describable by words...
Not much could surpass the bond created between Jake and I with our children over the last couple of days...I could think of only one simple word....Imprint...
Jake and I had just warmly embraced, each of us holding one of our little miracles, both sleeping soundly, awaiting the next visitors, as Leah and Seth entered the room, Leah, for once in my presence seemed to have a relaxed calm expression on her face, and Seth bounced in holding flowers, a huge smile spread across his face, nothing different there...
I watched as they each calmed, slowly dragging their feet in our direction, Leah extending her arms for the blue bundle wrapped in Jacob's arms, as she took him, gently cradling him in both arms, her muscles seemed to relax throughout her whole body, she softly swayed from side to side, and a light smile spread across her face as soft tears fell down her cheeks..She looked at Mason as though no one else had ever existed, as though they had been the only two people on the face of the earth... It was an idolatry expression, a devout Christian witnessing their Lord... it was almost to intimate to watch, yet totally understandable from Jake and I... it was imprinting, and it was right, expected though no one had realized before, it was exactly what Leah needed, wanted... what they were born for... each other...
Elizabeth... asleep, resting on her father's shoulder, immediately commanded Seth's attention. Unexpected, would be the same emotion emoting from Seth, towards our sweet little Elizabeth... while Jake understood, his protective "Father" instinct washed over his body, and I could see him trembling as Seth held our sweet baby girl, looking into her eyes, she woke just before being placed in his arms, as though she felt his presence, looking as if she needed to meet his eyes as much as he needed to see hers.. it was, in my opinion.... beautiful, breathtaking to know that my daughter would have someone in her life... a protector, a friend, a brother exactly what she needed when she needed it... she was blessed, and so was Seth, for I knew looking into her eyes, that she was truly special, they would be amazingly happy with each other, and while I knew Jake felt very protective, and that it would take time for him to adjust to the idea, it was perfect, I could think of no one better suited to care for our daughter, love her.. he was alot like Jake, and I loved that about him, I knew they would live a happy life together, still I giggled as Jake, not so subtly slid his arm under Elizabeth and stalked to the rocking chair in the corner with her, finally easing the trembling.. Seth's eyes never left Lizzie, even as he congratulated me on their birth, he was a "blind man seeing the sun for the first time..."
Leah never spoke, but she didn't have to, her eyes, expression and the protective way she held her body over my Son, there was no doubt in what had taken place...
I was happy to know that she would finally be happy, and I'll say it again, it's absolutely amazing what our love has brought together, our families were bursting with joy, pure jubilence for the birth of our children, I loved my husband and family more than words could explain, and I was happy that our extended family would be around more now.... our family had just grown by two (whether Jake was completely comfortable with that idea, was yet to be seen....)

As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen

Monday, September 27, 2010

No One Expected...

The next few days were a blur of guests; friends and family bringing gifts, cards balloons, and well wishes.. accompanied by cameras (mostly on Charlie's part) it was a flood of consistent happiness..
"Congratulations, she looks just like you, he's got your eyes, she's got his nose" the usual...
They were beautiful, but maybe I was slightly partial, of course according to all the visitors, they were the most beautiful babies that had ever stepped foot on this earth, in reality or our realm of fantasy..
My grandpa Charlie, insisted he hadn't seen a baby more beautiful since the day he met me, his eyes were blurred with tears and he had a smile nothing could take away, he came in carrying a huge bouquet of pink and blue balloons, with two giant stuffed animals under each arm, he was proud to say the least...
Esme and Carlisle were overjoyed to be adding to their unique family tree, and Carlisle wondered what if any special talents the babies would possess, only time would tell but they were already gifted in mine and Jake's eyes.. Rosalie and Emmett returned from the hunting trip, I had always held a special place in Rosalie's heart, so to speak, and I remembered all the little moments with her, we had a special relationship, I knew she'd fought for my life from the beginning and I was thankful that my children would have an amazing Aunt in their lives, not to mention Jasper and Alice, Alice would no doubt spoil them rotten and had already taken more photos than most children have of themselves in a lifetime...
All day we were flooded with a stream of visitors, Billy and the gang from La Push arrived a little after lunch time, Billy came in first by himself, his eyes glistening with tears, mirrored by Jake's as well, as he took in the sight of his grandchildren, he hugged Jake tightly, and lightly kissed me on the forehead proclaiming that  "a wheelchair was the perfect spot to hold two babies at once, what with the nice arm rests and all," he said smiling. Jake handed over the babies one at a time, they looked so relaxed and Alice came in to snap a quick picture, just as Mason stretched and yawned.. I had noticed already he could sleep like his father, out at the drop of a hat.. while Elizabeth had an inquisitive look, taking everything in and only resting when she couldn't hold her eyes open any longer, she didn't want to miss a thing.."Wonder where she gets that from?" Jake mockingly asked..
After Sam and Emily brought Mia in to "meet her future husband" and life long friend, we welcomed the last visitors of the day, Leah with for once a less than disgruntled look on her face and Seth, carrying flowers...
It had been a beautiful day, and no one expected what happened next...

As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen