For you formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.
Psalms 139:13--14
I was confused, I had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy, I was moments away from Jake lying him in my arms, and I was still in an immense amount of pain, almost as if I'd never delivered a child.. I felt like I was still in labor....
I watched Jake's panicked expression as a wave of pain caused me to vomit over the side of the bed. I worried that I wasn't going to make it, that we had done something wrong, was I untitled to the joy of a beautiful family, an amazing husband... an adorable son. Was it more than any one human deserved? More than was permitted in one lifetime. Jake put the baby down in the bed, so he could come back to me, I watched as his eyes went from mine to the monitor, and although I wanted to see what was causing this new understanding I was in too much pain to lift my head... Jake looked as if he was about to speak, when Carlisle and my Mother busted through the door.
Carlisle went straight to the monitor, a look of confusion on his face, he eyed the baby, now in Jake's arms, and the monitor, as the pain subsided just long enough for me to coherently hear a faint thumping radiating from the monitor...
I'd heard it all along, but I thought it was coming from the pain, just a dull roaring in my ears. But now in the quiet of the room, when you could hear a pin drop it was obvious....
Was it possible, I'd had all the necessary tests, all the ultrasounds, there was nothing to indicate a .......second child..
Was there?
Carlisle tried to speak to me, as a second wave of pain shot through my body, I couldn't comprehend anything...
Had it not been for the part of my mind formed like a vampire, my counterpart able to process many things at once, when I heard..."a second womb.... a medical anomaly... breech birth....cesarean"
I felt one last cool wave of relief shoot through the veins in my arms, I seen Jake's face and then I was out...
I woke up to the sound of a thumping monitor, fluttering just slightly quicker than normal... and I thought the pain must have knocked me out, only moments had passed... But I didn't feel any pain, there was a slight stinging near the bottom of my stomach... just faintly though, nothing like before. I could hear a heavy, thudding heart beside me, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of two.....two lighter heartbeats...
I opened my eyes to see Jake's face, I faintly smiled at him as he exhaled, he looked as if he'd been holding his breath the whole time I was out..
He seemed to be holding himself a little awkwardly as my eyes met my son's... my son wrapped in a blue blanket, and just to the right of him lay a sleeping baby in a pink blanket..
I rubbed my eyes trying to fix the image laid before me, but the baby was still there.. I looked up at Jake, he was smiling now, as he stood up placing the baby in the pink blanket on my lap...
"Nessie, meet our daughter..." I could feel the warm tears run down my cheeks as she gently yawned wrapping her tiny hand around my finger.. her temperature matched mine perfectly, as did her bronze hair.
She was perfect, they both were... unique in their own special way, with touches of their father and I, mixed in with their own little quirks...perfect..
Jacob Mason Black & Elizabeth Marie Black
As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen