New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


As we faced the crowd and Old Quil introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Black, "God, the best Maker of all Marriages, combine your hearts into one",  I looked out at the audience, standing in applause and jubilence.. It was truly beautiful and spectacular what our love had brought together.. Here in La Push which was once considered no man's land where my family was concerned, sat my Father, his arm gently around my Mother's shoulders who looked like she would be crying if she could, beside them my Grandpa Charlie and his wife Sue Clearwater her daughter Leah, who looked like she was clearly there in support of Jake who she cared about more than she'd ever want to let anyone know. My Grandfather Carlisle softly embracing Esme, to my left stood my bridesmaids Alice and Rosalie, looking happier and more at ease than one could've ever imagined in the company here. Looking out to my right sat Billy Black, my father in law, blotting his eyes with a tissue, he was one of the most genuine men I'd ever met and I admired all of the qualities Jake had inherited from him, I was a lucky woman.. Beside Billy were Jake's sisters and their families, Rachel had flown in all the way from Hawaii for the wedding, sitting behind them were the members of Jake's former pack but friends and family still.. Sam and Emily holding their precious daughter Mia Rose a head full of jet black ringlets, they were one of the most beautiful families I'd ever seen, and I aspired to be the amazing woman that I seen in Emily..
All of our family and friends, standing together sharing this moment perfectly at ease and joyous in each others presence.. It was truly Amazing there really is no other word...

Seth Clearwater, Jake's best man slapped him on the shoulder with a raucous "Congratulations!!" and we were off through the sprays of rice... After a beautiful reception Alice met me at the car with a suitcase for each of us, she assured me that we were more than prepared, and we were passed through many hugs and well wishes, finally after hugging Grandpa Charlie, and assuring him that I would return safely, Charlie knew what Jake was, but even he couldn't doubt the affirmation for my safety in Jake's eyes... I hugged my Mother and Father, and we were off to the airport...

It was a long flight to Alaska, but time flew in Jacob's arms, we sat, mostly quiet, looking into each other's eyes, occasionally I would show him visions, visions of what I had spent the last year dreaming about.. I could see the burning in his eyes and I knew that it echoed my own...

When we finally made it to the Juneau Airport, Alice had arranged for us to pickup a Suburban, we would need something sturdy and dependable to reach she and Jasper's cabin.

It would be about an hour's drive from the airport to the cabin, and while I knew we would have, what seemed like forever ahead of us, all of a sudden in the tight closed in space of the Suburban, I felt like I was ignited with an overwhelming passion, a passion that only one thing could extinguish..

Maybe it was the small space that we were in, completely alone, maybe it was my subconscious knowing that the barriers were finally down, as I looked at Jake in the glow of the dashboard I watched him drive, he seemed to be wearing a very careful mask, but he looked soo beautiful, there was no other word, his careful expression seemed to heighten his chiseled jaw, his eyes were set with an intensity, I could make out the flawlessness of his russet skin, the thud of his pulse in his neck, his heart beating, and I yearned for it, not in the vampire way but in a way that felt so new to me.

Jake and I agreed that we would wait until marriage to take our relationship to the next level, we had spent a few years dancing around the issue, being very careful, both of us knowing how easy it would be to lose control...

But now, now there wasn't anything holding us back, nothing but the minutes until we would reach our destination and I thought I might quite literally explode!!

I guess with all the thoughts running through my mind I didn't quite realize that I was still looking at Jacob, he turned to me for a split second with his peripheral vision, and I don't quite know what he seen when his eyes met mine, but the mask that he had so carefully kept on his face since we left the airport, broke....

His heart accelerated and I knew without a doubt that we weren't going to make it to the cabin, I could see his knuckles turn white as he strengthened his grip on the steering wheel, I had watched Jake trying to keep his cool, for various reasons my whole life, and he always did, he was so strong... but I think this was enough to break his resolve... just then we pulled into the drive, leading up to our "Honeymoon Getaway" ahhh, someone let the air back in...
As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen

"God, the best Maker of all marriages combine your hearts into one." William Shakespeare

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