New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's Time...

I looked up at Ness, she had a tube of oxygen running across her cheeks, her cheeks once rosy and bright now looked paler than I'd ever seen them. I ran my eyes down to the new IV that had been placed in her arm, as she followed my gaze she said, "It's a course of steroids, just to be safe," she assured as she witnessed my face fall, "It will strengthen the babies lungs as much as possible before delivery. Don't worry Jake, I've read about this it's common in the most normal of pregnancies, it's no big deal.." she said smiling.
God she was like her Mother, it drove me crazy...yet it was what I loved about her the most..
I lifted up to kiss her forehead and run my fingers through her hair, she looked so breakable...
Days ago I had worried that I wouldn't be prepared to be a Father in the time we had, and now I just wanted this over as soon as possible, with my Nessie unscathed and as perfect as ever..
Carlisle walked in and for the first time I looked up and realized Bella and Edward weren't in the room, that was odd..
"Ah, Jake I see your awake.. Ness, how are you feeling?" he said.
"Great," she said eyeing me nervously as I exhaled loudly, yeah Great, she was just covered in tubes and poked with needles, lying on bedrest due solely to my stupidity, but she was Great...
"Well the baby looks wonderful on the monitor, and you seem to look much better, we'll just have to stay on bed rest until this little tyke makes it's big debut. Can I get you anything?" he asked. Why hadn't I thought to ask her that, I was more nervous than I realized normally I anticipated what she needed before she did, I couldn't think straight...
"Actually, I'm starving I wouldn't mind something to eat.." she said, just as Bella entered with a plate of eggs and toast. She smiled at her Mother as I helped her sit up to eat. Bella never looked at me...
Man, I shouldn't have went to sleep, I felt I was missing something...
Bella kissed her on the forehead, tucking the loose curl behind her ear, and looked up at me motioning me into the hallway. As she walked out I started to follow, "Where are you going?" Ness asked.
"I was just stepping out for a glass of water, I'll be right back I said, "Can I get you anything else while I'm out?" I asked.
"No, I'm fine. Just don't be gone too long, okay?" she said smiling, it amazed me that she didn't hate me at this point..
As I stepped out into the hallway Bella was pacing, and Edward was standing in the corner.
"Hey, what's going on Bells?"
"Hey, what's going on?  What's going on is my daughters in there stubborn as ever with the full intent to give birth naturally, instead of by cesarean because it's what the two of you thought best..." she said looking as if she would lunge for my throat at any moment.
"Whoa now, we may have talked about it a time or two before all this happened, but you know I want what's best for Ne-- Renesmee just as much as you do, no matter what has to happen, as long as she's safe, that's all that matters to me.."
"Well maybe you should go explain that to her then, and I suggest sooner rather than later, since Carlisle wants to deliver today." she said.
"Today...okay..." I felt shock wash over my entire body, today why today, I thought we had more time, I didn't know if I could handle this but, I knew I had to be strong for Nessie. So here I go to talk some sense into the woman who rivals the stubbornness of her Mother, and that was saying something...
Wish Me Luck...

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