New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year...

A New Year...

Refreshing, beautiful, a start-over.. happy... New...

But when life's laid out ahead of you in an endless existence, it's the turning of a page. Another fleeting day on the calendar. And while to most an endless existence, in a brilliant form may seem like a perfect dream... when the looming question of whether or not your children will share this endless existence falls like a dark cloud over your everyday, your every thought.. It's a reminder of how uncertain any life is.. eternal or not...

Their mere existence was playing with fate, their lives were heavily guarded, happy, but heavily guarded. Their were beings beyond the imagination, who would be all to willing to end our happy little lives. Covet them and take them away. Make them their new pets...

So what did this leave us to do besides live as secretly as possible, always on guard and always with the overwhelming thought that in one crashing blow it could all be... over....

The babies had grown over these last few months, they were thriving and learning. Excelling in my father's dutiful studies everyday. They enjoyed their visits from Grandpa Charlie and Sue, they loved their family in La Push. Seth and Leah took them out in the woods everyday teaching them of their Native American heritage. But, they were itching.. itching to get out and explore this world they were reading about. And "Soon" was not good enough for them.

Jake and I had discussed, and we both felt they weren't quite ready to hear of all  the dangers that lurked out there. After all knowing of vampires and werewolves would be enough information for anyone to bear in infancy, they didn't need to know of the other world out there..

So for now we satisfied there need to explore with walks through the forest, a little further each day.. always heavily guarded with the pack flanking all around, and usually accompanied by my Mother and Father..

But, I knew with the "Moooooms" increasing everyday the talk was inevitable and I dreaded it, I didn't want them to know how different they were, I mean doesn't every parent just want their child to "fit in" even if that parent thinks the term "fitting in" is as loathsome as they come...

Today, we were on a walk through the snow covered woods, Jake and Mason in their wolf forms and Elizabeth trailing behind daydreaming as always, we had decided with both of us on the walk and my parents hunting nearby that the pack could have a day off, so we were enjoying walking along nonchalantly, knowing that no eyes were on us... Jake and Mason were wrestling in the snow, this was Mason's favorite weather he loved the snow, he would roll in it jumping on his father's back and nibbling at him. Elizabeth watched, occasionally rolling her eyes, (looking very much like my father in doing so, by the way) the sibling rivalry was very intense when one child hit his morphing form at a ridiculously young age and the other was waiting to blossom into her hidden talents everyday..
Mason ran up to Elizabeth, flicking snow in her direction with his tail and letting out a wolfy chuckle, with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth, "Ugh!!! Mason, you are such a stooge!!" , she said brushing the snow off her white dressing coat, a totally inappropriate choice, but she shared her Auntie Alice's "Passion for Fashion". Jake and I laughed, which then made us the target for her eye rolling, oh gotta love the age. She trailed on a little further and so swiftly it wouldn't have been detectable to the human eye nailed Mason with a snowball right between the eyes, and he loved it!! Setting forth running giggling and frolicking all around.. They were so silly.. We were all laughing and tossing snow, just enjoying the moment that was sooo needed..

Mason ran up swishing his tail in my face, as I mocked a girly shriek he gently laid his paws against my waist to lick my throat, something he did often to make me laugh, when a loud, cracking bang rippled through the forest floor...

As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen