New Moon Pictures
Create Twilight and New Moon pictures.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nahuel's Visit...Jake's Breaking Point

Jake and I had been becoming increasingly closer each day, he truly was my best friend.. We'd spend every afternoon together walking around the forest, talking... he'd even held my hand a few times , an electric charge with every touch... I felt like I could share my deepest thoughts with him, thoughts that I was very careful to try to control around my Father..

My Father cared alot about Jake and I knew that he respected our relationship, he just didn't like that I was so close with any boy at my age, it would only be a matter of time before I was finished maturing and he and my Mother wanted for me to attend college and have a chance at a normal life, whatever that meant...

He felt like Jake and I had our whole lives to spend with one another, so I should spend my youth being a normal teenager and young lady...

Since I matured and grew at a rate that was significantly noticeable, attending public school was never an option, but that didn't stop my parents from making sure that I learned and had plenty of activities to pass the time...

I was fluent in several languages, even Quileute, thanks to Jake, I had read or been read to, every book in the house, and at the ripe age of 8 could've easily entered any college in the United States, possibly the world...

Still, try as I might he had seen some of the passing glimpses, daydreams, moments when I'd let my mind wonder, wonder what it would be like to be with Jake...

But, I couldn't help it, I felt like I had this overwhelming uncontrollable pull towards Jake, possibly an unrequited affection, which made it all the more worse, I couldn't explain it, it was like he knew what I was thinking and what I was feeling and he always knew the right thing to say or do..

But, I knew that he had watched me grow from the day I was born, he was my protector, almost like an older Brother, and I was sure that...that was the way he saw it too..

Still, I couldn't help but drift off, and wonder..

Sometimes as we were walking through the forest, and he was talking about his pack, Sam and Emily or Rachel and Paul.. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if Jake and I were together like that..

I felt like it would be effortless, natural...

But on this particular day we would have to cut our afternoon stroll short, because we were having visitors...

My Mother and Father spoke to me the night before of a man named Nahuel, I vaguely remembered him, I knew he was there the day the Volturi tried to break our family apart, possibly destroy us, the day that my sheer existence put all of our lives in jeopardy..

I knew that he was like me, and I knew how rare that was, unique to say the least...

I also knew what our family owed him, and that was quite possibly everything...

I would be eternally grateful that Alice and Jasper went to find him, and that he had layed his life on the line to help my family, with nothing to gain from it...

It was very noble, admirable so I was excited to talk to him and thank him for what he had done..I was also looking forward to getting any insight into my existence, a kindred spirit of sorts...

As Jake and I approached the house, we could hear voices inside, unfamiliar voices, so I knew that our company had arrived..

And, although he wasn't before Jake took my hand as we reached the front stairs of my family's home, placing one hand on the bottom of my back guiding me inside, I could feel him trembling...

As we entered the house Carlisle turned from greeting our guests, "Ahh, and there she is now, Nes--", my Mother gave him the look, "Renesmee, this is our visitor, Nahuel, this is Renesmee."

"Pleased to meet you", I said extending my hand, and realizing how awkward it looked that Jake was still holding my other hand, to close for normal..

As we shook hands I noted how odd it felt to feel someone running the same temperature as myself, obviously my family was colder and Jake was a little warmer, but the average human ran a few degrees cooler than me, and Nahuel and I were exactly the same it was...different...

"And, pleased to meet you as well Renesmee, I've heard alot about you from your family, I've been looking forward to this visit for quite some time.."

I saw everyone shift uneasily as he positioned himself awkwardly between me and Jake, and I still didn't understand the hostility..

I had never seen Jake like this before, we had had several visitors since my birth.

Close to all of the people that stood with us to face the Volturi on that awful day had visited at one time or another, my Father always told me I was irresistible and joked that I had inherited his charm...

But, I felt that it was more than that, I thought standing to face our possible doom, had joined our souls for the rest of our lives, to that thought he rolled his eyes, I knew how he felt about this matter, and I agreed with my Mother...

Still, Jake had never reacted this way to anyone, we'd had countless visitors, and excluding the Denali Clan, none of which held my families standards concerning their "vegan" diet...

Still, while Jake was definitely uncomfortable in the company of blood-thirsty vampires it was nothing like this, he had perfected his careful mask, always able to calm himself down, never letting them "See him Sweat.." as he put it, but today he hadn't stopped trembling since the moment we reached my house.

This should be an interesting visit...

As Always With Love Renesmee Cullen-Black as interpreted by Elizabeth Queen

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